and minutes later we can see video of a Jew being decapitated by Muslims, and gasp in horror at the barbarity of ancient blood feuds.

How are we to react to cultures so disparate? One culture explores space while another is deeply entrenched in 7th Century barbarism. One culture embraces individual liberty, free enterprise, science and technology that has demonstrably improved the lives of all humanity, while at the very same time another culture on the other side of the world embraces the brutal subjugation of women and non-believers, content to live in mud huts or palaces built with petro-dollars while they desperately try to deny the advancement of all of humanity except themselves.

Peoples and cultures are clashing like never before all over the world. Basques seek greater autonomy from Spain; Scotland from Great Britain; Kurds from Iraq; Quebec from Canada; Flanders from Belgium. Armed conflict along ethnic and or religious lines have occurred or are currently happening in Serbia, Sri Lanka, Georgia, Chechnya, Rwanda, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia.
America is not immune from ethnic nationalism that threatens to escalate from protests, boycotts and racially motivated crime to the usurpation of political power by the executive branch at the expense of Congress, the diminution of individual liberties and the calculated refusal to enforce existing laws for political advantage.

The Department of Justice drops voter intimidation charges against the New Black Panthers after two members were video taped standing in front of a Philadelphia polling place in para-military uniforms brandishing clubs and threatening white voters. One DOJ attorney who was working on the case has resigned in protest, claiming the civil rights voting section of the DOJ has and will continue to refuse to enforce voting rights laws when the accused is a minority and the victim white.

Congressmen John Kyl of Arizona reported to his constituents that President Obama said he would not effectively secure the U.S. border with Mexico until Congress had passed "comprehensive immigration reform", effectively using the tide of illegals as a political bargaining chip. Some wit has now coined the term "undocumented Democrats" to describe illegals. In the 2008 presidential election, 68% of Hispanics voted for Obama. No one knows how many of those votes were cast by illegals.

President Obama supposedly sat in the pews of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church for twenty years, but he says he never heard Wright make a racist comment. It's not that Wright's black liberation theology isn't blatantly racist against Whites, it's just that Obama didn't think it was racist when he heard it.

If you understand liberation theology, you will understand why Obama is "fundamentally changing" America. In my view, Liberation Theology posits two main doctrines; first, there is no such thing as individual salvation, there is only collective salvation; secondly, the world is divided into two groups of people, the oppressed and the oppressor. In short, the oppressed are the "have nots", and the oppressor is "the privileged class", or the haves. Liberation Theology requires the haves to raise the have nots out of poverty and powerlessness by giving away their wealth to the have nots. Only in this way can the haves find salvation. And in the eyes of black and brown people in the U.S., the oppressor is White people, and the oppressed is everyone else.
Liberation Theology is fundamentally a Marxist doctrine and a perversion of the Christian Faith. The bible is clear; salvation requires a personal, individual belief in Jesus Christ and the Grace of God. While charity is certainly a large part of the Christian faith, salvation is not achieved by good works nor is it a communal effort.
Obama believes in liberation theology. He has publicly stated that his own individual salvation can not occur without the salvation of all Americans... collective salvation. Clearly, Obama's policies, both domestic and foreign, prove this.
Effective ownership of GM and Chrysler was given to a labor union, the United Auto Workers, when the American taxpayer bailed out the failing auto companies. The "have nots" got G.M., the "haves" (stock holders) got nothing but a vague prayer that their GM stock would be worth something some day.
Obamacare became law, laying the groundwork to drive all private health insurers out of business and turn the American health care system into a one-party payer system, which Obama has repeatedly stated was his ultimate goal. The have nots got bad insurance, the haves got bad insurance and the bill.
What's next is the so called "cap and trade" plan. Long story short, this will make the haves pay more for energy, particularly electricity, than the have nots, who will have their electric bills subsidized by the haves.
In foreign affairs, one of Obama's first acts as President was to return a bust of Winston Churchill to England ( a White Imperialist don't you know )...an insult so blatant the Brits were dumbfounded.
Then came the 2009 Apology Tour, where Obama travelled the globe apologizing to all non-white nations for America's "arrogance". The media ignored the fact that Obama bowed to Arab, Japanese and Chinese leaders, a repulsive act of submition that insulted America worse than the Brits had been insulted.
Obama has reached out to all Muslim nations while castigating Israel as racist Zionists intent on keeping the innocent Palestinians down and provoking it's Muslim neighbors into developing nuclear weapons.
Obama accepts Mexican President Felipe Calderón's recommendations on how America should secure it's borders...we shouldn't.
We all heard Obama say that "...it's time to return America's wealth to it's rightful owners." We all heard Obama say, "We're going to fundamentally change America." We all heard Rev. Wright say, "God Damn America".

Obama hates Western Civ. We, the Whites ( haves ) are his enemies. We're in a blood feud. Deal with it!
1 comment:
"Effective ownership of GM and Chrysler was given to a labor union, the United Auto Workers, when the American taxpayer bailed out the failing auto companies. The "have nots" got G.M., the "haves" (stock holders) got nothing but a vague prayer that their GM stock would be worth something some day."
I don't know how familiar you are with bankruptcy laws, but GM stockholders were going to end up with nothing regardless of whether GM was nationalized or not, because they filed chapter 11 bankruptcy. That means the stockholders get wiped out regardless and their stocks are and will forever be worthless because it is no longer the same company by law under chapter 11 title 11, so no amount of any prayers will do any good, but these laws have been on the books well before the president so therefore no "the rich were not robbed of there hard earned money".
"Obamacare became law, laying the groundwork to drive all private health insurers out of business and turn the American health care system into a one-party payer system, which Obama has repeatedly stated was his ultimate goal. The have nots got bad insurance, the haves got bad insurance and the bill."
I would like to understand why private health insurers deserve to have profits. I would like to know the last time an insurance company actually innovated something to warrant a profit. All the classical economists By the way every country in Western Europe, where real Western Civilization resides, has a form of universal health care that is more comprehensive and "socialist" then ours. Not to mention of course that all these countries in Western Europe have better health care then the US.
"Obama hates Western Civ. We, the Whites ( haves ) are his enemies. We're in a blood feud. Deal with it! "
This is funny because it is so over the top. From your first post, part I of Western Civilization, I actually thought you were an educated individual, who all though I knew probably disagreed with politically, I believed you had a more rational-empirical view of history and society. I now know I was sadly mistaken. You make my argument for me, Obama with his policies is pulling us towards Europe, again, where Western Civilization resides and therefore can not really hate Western Civilization.
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